(651) 439 3134

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“Karen’s beautiful Italian herb bowl created by you folks at AXDAHL’S — you did a beautiful job and Sunday afternoon I was the beneficiary of a great tomato, avocado, mozzarella, salad topped with olive oil, ground pepper and crowned with AXDAHL’S sliced and chopped Herb’s — we’ll be coming in for a couple more, maybe chicken and fish or iced tea.

You folks at AXDAHL’S do wonderful things for us to enjoy our Summer & Fall eating, including our very own CSA garden plot. Thank you ! ”
– Steve

“My wife and I were so happy with the CSA program last year that we’ve decided to bump up to a full share this year!

Thanks for the wonderful service. We look forward to visiting the farm again, too.”
– Cody C.

“I would be happy to be a source of info for someone considering CSA. We were really happy with our experience last year.”
– Cathy H.

“I am always happy to tell people what an awesome job you do for your CSA customers and how you spoil us”
– Karen A.

“We all know that we need more veggies and fruits in our diet to replace those high levels of sugars and fats.

It always seems to be one of those perpetual items on our “do list”, but so hard to get into practice.

Since joining Axdahl’s Garden CSA program, this has moved from something on a resolution list to continuing practice. We now look forward to our weekly allotment of fresh fruits and vegetables and are always surprised with the quality and abundance provided. This is no longer drudgery but fun.

Even our grandkids are beginning to explore healthy foods that they rarely see and even enjoy them. I cannot say enough about the new potatoes and vine-ripened tomatoes that grace our table during the summer months.

It takes us back to days of yore when everyone seemed to have their gardens overflowing with truly fresh treasures from just outside the back door. If you join us, you will not be disappointed.”
– Roger

For more information please call or email us.
Call: (651) 439-3134 or
Email: info@axdahlfarms.com

This website is partially funded by a USDA FMPP grant through MFVGA. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

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